Important Message
                                                       Disclaimer Regarding Unsolicited Messages Cirulated in the Name of the Company                                                                                                               Disclaimer Regarding Unsolicited Messages Cirulated in the Name of the Company                                                                                                               Disclaimer Regarding Unsolicited Messages Cirulated in the Name of the Company                                                                                                               Disclaimer Regarding Unsolicited Messages Cirulated in the Name of the Company                                                                                                               Disclaimer Regarding Unsolicited Messages Cirulated in the Name of the Company                                                       

Composition of Board of Director

Mr. Ashok Chinubhai. Shah, Executive Director – Chairperson related to Promoter – MD

Mrs. Manjusha Rahul Salunke, Non-Executive – Independent Director

Mr. Yash Vishwanath Bodade, Non-Executive – Independent Director

Mr. Shalin Ashok. Shah, Non-Executive – Non Independent Director

Mr. Swapnil Sharad Shimpi, Non-Executive – Independent Director

Mr. Hiren Tribhovandas Makwana, Chief Financial Officer

Ms. Dimpal J. Solanki, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer